The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust: Virtual Recruitment and Communications (2019 – present)

BKCAT seeks to serve all families (Catholic and non-Catholic) of 15 primary and secondary academies throughout the diocese. Driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 3 secondary schools and sixth forms were unable to stage a traditional open event and required an innovative approach with an alternative, virtual experience.


  • Support all secondary schools within the Trust to build, promote and deliver a virtual open event for Year 5, Year 6 and Year 11 (P16) pupils.
  • Provide an engaging and vibrant online experience for prospective parents and pupils.
  • Generate exposure for each event/platform with targeted marketing campaigns through a multitude of channels.


Our role:

  • Capture a range of video content and photography.
  • Design and build of each virtual platform including written content.
  • Design key online marketing materials and implement a comprehensive social media, press and physical promotional campaign.


  • Average of 856 unique visitors attending each virtual open event across the Trust.
  • Average of 3,900 page views across each school virtual platform.
  • 98% user satisfaction (rated 5 out of 5) gained through post-event feedback.