Engineering North Lincolnshire UTC: Increasing Student Roll (2017 – present)

The Engineering UTC Northern Lincolnshire provides education for 13–19-year-olds that combines technical, practical and academic learning. The college had a historic issue of engaging and securing prospective students and parents in both the Y10 and Y12 cohorts with limited links into local secondary schools.


  • Increase student roll of the UTC following years of below-PAN intakes.
  • Deliver a full digital service, focusing mainly on video and animation, to position the UTC as an excellent destination for those searching for a career in engineering.
  • Showcase and grow the relationship between ENL UTC and industry through powerful campaigns.

Our role:

Delivering a full creative service including communications strategy, design, video, animation, social media and PR over a 3-year period (to date).


  • A doubling of student numbers for 2019 (103 to 220 students).
  • Continued growth into the 2020 cohort with 275 student applications.
  • Increased employer awareness and engagement through consistent image and termly communication (exceeding employer engagement strategic targets).